Aurea Cailin

Aurea Cailín Ich bin eine Reisende, fliege um die halbe Welt, beobachte sie größtenteils von dem weiten, frisch grenzenlosen Himmel, aber auch am nährenden kraftvollen Boden sehe ich mich nie satt. Aurea Cailín ist der Name der mir entgegen hallt. Aurea steht für das ‚Goldene’, was jeder in seinen Herzen trägt. Einige werden es mit […]

A interview

A interview The window to the yard Sounds of chirping birdsong in the morning sounded through the half-open window. Sounds that could only be heard to this extent in spring and summer. Not infrequently the single flapping of the wings could be perceived by the masses of flocks of birds and a surrealism of the […]

Aurea Cailin

Aurea Cailin I am a traveler, flying halfway around the world, observing them mostly from the wide, freshly boundless sky, but also from the nourishing powerful ground I never get tired. Aurea Cailín is the name that echoes out to me. Aurea stands for the `golden‘; thing everyone carries in their hearts. Some will associate […]