The one

  Evanescence My idea The mirror The one The link Stunning Unlimited Universal The one I saw you – notice you, Attitude that I looked for, I was connected to you by the first talk, Knowing so less about me, About you, Restless and unsure am I, My future open, Unknown about the goal of […]


Evanescence My idea The mirror The one The link Stunning Unlimited Universal Evanescence Tell me about the truth, Wisdom wind. Tell me about the life, Willow tree. Tell me about freedom, Unbounded birds. Speak to me with respect Also, if I can’t copy, Cause my eyes are blind, But my heart can see, also, if […]


Evanescence My idea The mirror The one The link Stunning Unlimited Universal Unlimited Searching for truth, Searching for love, Searching for luck, Not find the wisdom, Not find the only, Not find the satisfaction, Stars falling, Getting lost in their own universe, Far up from sphere.